Now I talked about trying new things last month. Yes, I am still having a ball and loving my hobbies. They give me some self-fulfillment and keep me out of trouble. (Hey! TROUBLE is living in the refrigerator so the hobbies help with this problem) I talked about a couple of hobbies to do outside of the house. What about inside the house???
You know something that could be done inside house hobby-wise is “write”. I am sitting at my desk starting a new meal intake log for my fitness program. I figure if I can fill this out, I can write something. (Wait a minute??? Isn’t doing this article writing so to speak???) I have been told by a few people in my life to write but there lies the problem… WHAT TO WRITE. This will be another question I will need to figure out later. Anyway, there are some natural writers out there just waiting to start on that poem, short story or self-help book. I say go for it! You have it in you to do AND it can put your mind at ease away from the day-to-day hustle. Take 30 minutes to an hour a day or every other day and jot down some ideas to write about. It’s a thought
Another “inside the house” hobby you can do is cooking. There are lot of chefs and restaurants started out in the home kitchen. Take recipes and change an ingredient to see if you can create something different. Try making desserts your specialty. (If you do, I’m coming over as a taste tester) Create your own dressings for salads. However, the most important thing to do is “write it down”. You don’t want to forget what you created. There are a few recipes that came from family and friends of the family that has gotten lost. I am whimpering over them now (sniff sniff).
Let’s see. What else can be done in the house that will allow the creative juices to flow? Oh, I have another one but it is technically outside the house… Gardening… I know… Most may not have the “green thumb” but that is where you should find an easy plant, bush or flower to maintain. Once you mastered the easy to raise plant, you can move on to other types of plants. You can start a vegetable/fruit garden. It could definitely help you on the food bill and it is healthy. Plus you are burning some calories while working on the garden. Those foods can be used at a restaurant as well as your garden.
Now I could mention the E word (exercise) for a home hobby. I know there are some over 40’s that are not trying to read about exercise but I promise you it does help clear the mind. At least that is what it does for me. I will say it helps me more when I have someone that is tagging along for the ride. Walking on the treadmill can put you in another frame of mind that gets you away from the daily routine. You can do this while watching television to pass the time. You would be surprised how the mind and body responds.
Reading is another hobby to do at home. Pick up your favorite author and read ‘til your heart is content. Pick up your favorite subject to read about. Grab something that will put you in fantasy land for a little bit of time.
You know what the fallout is when you do some of these hobbies: Others will notice and do as you do AND you might see a new career in the mist. When others see your creative side emerge, they will tend to find something to tickle their fancy (hobbies). The kids could see you reading or cooking and want to participate too. Really, the new things may point you in a new direction for your career. It could jump start the entrepreneur in you. Who knows??? You just have to try.
Written by S.R. Gibson