Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hello My Old-New You!!!

We as the female group --will have to learn that everything that shines anit a real thing--it could have been the sun in your eyes that caused you to be missed lead. How do you correct your mistake? Own-up to the mistake by being honest to yourself, put on a pair of Coach framed shades and step out on what you know to be TRUE--and that is all you have known for the better part of your life, "your own free will". You enjoy your ability to maintain your life style on your own. You relish in "making moves" when ever how ever you choose to. You feel good with watching your children achieve their goals that they set for themselves, knowing you had a HAND in it. Plan your return to "LIFE" and then watch the barriers roll out the WAY and then you will be able to see thru the bullshit and OBSERVE the real beauty which is the Old-New You.............Love Always, Tonya Johnson