Monday, February 7, 2011


I was just thinking how much I have and have not grown---I sometimes dream in skinny and then I wake up as I am. Help me help myself---it's sometimes becomes very hurtful that the persons you love the most use me up and spin me around until I feel as though I have nothing left. Then when there is something else to be done--I muster up the strength to give just a little bit more.

As, I sit here thinking about what I have to done to get myself work completed documented and file---I feel at a lost. I will begin with small goals to be able to complete larger ones. I can't commit to a diet or a routine that resembles a diet or a exercise plan. Why I just take a pill to get the belly right and the but tight. The parent in me and the counselor I'm paid to be is easily annoyed and extremely tired of the requests to do and to be. This RANDOM I will be organizing my plan to write and publish my book to my ungrateful DAUGHTERS

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